Thursday, March 12, 2009

Northland Newbies!!!

We have a team name, and a TEAM PAGE! How exciting, eh? Incase you missed it, "Northland Newbies." Silly? Yes. But it's also fitting, for most of us.  So go to the page and sign up to join us, or give to us... or just to forward our page to your friends and family!

Update: My training's going okay. Rushed. I've not had a lot of time. This 40 hour work week stuff is kind of for the birds. Oh, and tuesday when I went to swim, someone stole the lane I was headed to, grrr. I didn't have time to argue or wait, I was already later for work than I'd planned to be. And the big smelly man really does break the lazy river. I stopped to see if I was dragged by the current, NOPE. You would think that one would notice they are no longer swimming up stream?

Random: This has nothing to do with training or fundraising. Just funny/ embarrassing. Every few months our neighbors get these two dogs at their house, as if that's not strange enough. When these little visitors come, they never fail to leave their outside light on. This damn light has a way of shining right through the blinds and into my eyes, keeping me up all night. And it stresses the little dog out, she knows those little dogs are here to visit. So all night long, and all day, the dogs just want to go outside. To make a big stink barking at these poor little sissy dogs. On to the story. Yesterday I let them out, not thinking, and of course they went straight over there making their fuss. Barking their heads off. So I'm like crap! My hair is standing straight up (I'd showered then gone back to bed) and I'm in these ridiculously patterned flowery pajama pants and a silly track jacket... The neighbor man was out there corralling his dogs as well. I was so embarrassed to look so ridiculous and have such bully dogs. I tried to apologize, but he seemed embarrassed for me and just kept his head down.

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