Saturday, March 7, 2009


So the bike riding DID NOT get easier as of yesterday. 

First I popped onto the bike and was reminded of when you discover new muscles only because they're aching. It wasn't quite like that though, it was more, wow, my bum really hurts and I had no idea. Then I realized that although I'd shifted into the 3rd set of gears, it didn't actually happen (I bet there's a more specific name than sets of gears). So the whole previous bike ride when I thought I'd shifted as low (? maybe it's high. I should get a bicycling dictionary) as I could, wrong. I finally figured that out, but it makes a funny noise while it's in "those" gears. I don't know, I don't want to touch it for fear of breaking it for good. 

Moving on... It is the hardest thing to not cheat at the half way mark where I could head back through the park and cut like 3/4 of a mile off of my ride... and avoid the major hill. That hill, plus the others nearing my house, may very well be the death of me. My lungs did that thing that they did in middle school when we had to take gym outside in the winter, they felt like I'd smoked a pack of menthols. I was huffing and puffing, and certainly blowing nothing down, but I was doing a lot of moaning and fighting back of tears. I'm not really sore today, but all day yesterday my lower shins (I'm pretty sure shins are the bones, but just so you understand where) where killing me. The action I was doing to make them feel better was very similar to when Cordie gets a "poopy butt" and drags it around, gross. I was dragging my toes every where.

That's not the end of it. I was suppose to swim yesterday, but sadly I couldn't get the day off of work and I didn't have time to go. I didn't have time because we were busy putting on Roy's "new toes." So, I went downstairs and played Wii Fit. I started out with yoga, it went pretty well. I felt pretty good about the "tree" which as most of you know is tricky. Then I did crunches, the "jackknife" kind, where you also raise your legs. I did 30 of those and today, my abs hurt quite a bit (woo hoo for next day soreness!). Then I did Push Ups/ Side Planks. For those of you that don't know what side planks are, they are kind of funny. It goes push up, right side plank, push up, left side plank... for a right side plank, you put your left leg behind your right (yes you are still in "push up position") then point your left hand in the air. I did this 20 times, half way through, I ended up on my knees because I'm a wiener! After that, I just messed around with my "number 5" hand weights. My upper body feels pretty sore from just that, and I feel pretty good about it. I don't know about my lower body though. Should I be "kicking it up a knotch?"


Bobbi Sharp said...

Lippy, make sure you're pedaling while shifting. Also the funny noise you're hearing is because it's not completely in gear. Try kicking up a gear or down a gear and back to the gear you want it in and then it should kick in properly. My old bike did the same thing. It takes a while to get used to. GOOD LUCK!

Lippy said...

It's funny you should say that. Even though I get the whole pedal while you're shifting thing, I often try to shift even while standing. Very painful and annoying, there are other ways to describe this feeling, I just can't think of any good words... Like hitting a 2' deep pot whole in a Smart Car?
I think there's some adjusting that needs to be done. I have to go way above the actual '3', then it shifts ( I know this because I watch and make sure), then it doesn't seem like it made it all the way and makes the funny, 'hey look at me, I'm not quite in gear,' noise.
I very seriously appreciate the help, please oh please keep it coming. I could use it all. Hell, I used youtube to "learn to swim" last night. I'm interested to see how much it helped. Just wait til I switch to a real bike, haha...

Anonymous said...

Yay Lippy! It is fun to read about your adventures. When is the Triathalon? I am strictly a runner for exercise (excluding a small amount of core work + minimal strength training and yoga when I find the time). But I do love to ride my bike to work and play in the summer time!!

Keep up the good work!