Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Too Bad so Sad

Spring Break is over, it's back to school for me.

I've decided I am the worst runner I know. It's bad, real bad. Do they have classes so one can learn how to run properly?! I've never been a good runner, that's the truth. Hopefully soon though. I think strength wise, I'm good to go for now. These little legs can handle the 1.5 mile Penguin Run(Oh yeah, I name my routes!). But these lungs are another story. I'm going to take a physical soon, just to make sure every thing's right in here. 

The truth is, I haven't been to the gym since last Tuesday. My excuse: I have a pretty messed up work schedule this semester. Anyways, I'm going tomorrow! I'm finally going to try out the strokes I learned on YouTube. I get really excited about it until I get there and see the kids posing as life guards and the old men swimming 50 laps. 

Bike riding is going pretty well, I'm about to tack on another mile or two. I'm not going to lie though, my bum hurts terribly. Picture me in some cute little bike shorts... On my tough mountain bike.

So tomorrow = gym + bicycling. Maybe I'll ride a bicycle at the gym, it's kind of cold out again.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could try a run/walk program? Run for 5 minutes, then walk for 5? You can just start building, gradually running more and walking less. I still do that sometimes when I'm running up a mountain. My lungs will just burn! I would love to see your swimming videos. I would like to learn to swim for exercise!
Thanks as always for sharing. I love reading htis!

Lippy said...

Oh yeah, I probably should have mentioned the fact that I did not "run" the entire time. I tried running for 2-3 minutes, then walking for a minute or two. The really frustrating thing is the fact that I "walk" for a living. And it's often a brisk walk, and I do it for around eight hours a day. So you'd think I'd be in better shape for this.

Lippy said...

Oh, I forgot to say something last night... Running up a mountain?! Geez louise. Lucky for me there are none of those around here so I can keep my expectations fairly close to sea level. I'm not really convinced that mountains are even made for that kind of activity. They like to be hiked and biked, ha.

Anonymous said...

Well, I should say, I am training for this trail half marathon in June; it has 1000 feet of elevation gain, so I'm running up to the top of Mt. Tabor (an extinct volcano about 30 blocks from our apartment) about 2 times per week. It's no Pike's Peak or anything, but challenging no less. Keep up the good work! I'll only be in KC for a short time or I'd suggest we go for a run together! I did ask Madison to run with me, but she said if we did more than 20 minutes, she'd really want to have some water!